Rabu, 19 September 2012
Rosululloh dialogues with the devil
Allah SWT has ordered an angel to meet the devil so that he faces the Messenger of Allah to tell all his secrets, either favored or despised. Wisdom is to exalt the Prophet Muhammad and also as a warning to mankind and shields. Then the angel had met Satan and said, "O Iblis! That Allah Exalted and Almighty gave the order to face Rasullullah saw. You shall go to all the secrets and whatever the Messenger asked you shall answer truthfully. If you lie even though one word, will be cut all the members of your body, uratmu, and tortured with a very harsh punishment. "Listening to the mighty angel, Satan was terrified. Then immediately he was facing the Prophet Muhammad disguised as an old man blind in one eye and 10 strands of white beard, long as bulls. Satan himself greeting, so 3 times is not well addressed by the Prophet. So welcome Devil (alayhi anathema), "O Messenger of Allah! Why did you not answer any compliments? Is not it glorious greeting Allah? "So the Prophet replied angrily," Hi Aduwullah enemies of God! You have shown me kindness? Do not try to fool you, as hokey as that of Adam out of heaven, Cain killed Abel tortured to death with cause hasutanmu, Prophet Ayub you blow the toxic smoke while he was prostrate prayer until she was miserable for a while, the story of a woman Urya Prophet David, Prophet Solomon leaving the kingdom because you posing as his wife, and so are some of Anbiya and pastors who have endured the misery of hasutanmu. Hi Satan! Actually it's very noble greeting Allah azza wajalla, just let your peace I do not want to answer it because Allah has forbidden. So I know well thou Satan, the king of all the demons, devils and demons in disguise herself. What is your will come to see me? "Briefing devil, 'O Messenger of Allah! Thou shalt not be angry. Because you are then able to recognize Khatamul Anbiya. My arrival was commanded by God to tell all the lies in my power to your people from the time of Prophet Adam till the end of time. O Messenger of Allah! Each what you asked, I'll explain one by one with actual, Nor I'll hide it. "So Satan swore the name of Allah and said," O Messenger of Allah! If I were a word stuff lying leburlah my body inevitably disintegrate into ash. "When Satan heard the oath, the Prophet smiled and said to himself, this is one chances to deal with all the actions to be heard by all companions in this majlis and a shield to all my people. Question Prophet (1): "O Iblis! Who is the greatest enemy and how am I to you? "Satan replied: 'O Messenger of Allah! You are the greatest enemies among all my enemies on this earth. "Then the Prophet looked at the face of Satan, and Satan was trembling with fear. Connect the Devil, "Yes Khatamul Anbiya! There also I can change myself like all humans, animals and others to form and sound no different, except you are not able to emulate because it prevented me by God. I would like you, it burned me to ashes. I unplug the intention / intention to become kafir sons of Adam, because you try to give advice and instruction so that they are strong to embrace Islam, so too I tried to pull them to the infidels, apostates or hypocrites. I will draw all Muslims from the right path towards the wrong path so go to hell and eternal in it with me. "Question Prophet (2):" O Iblis! How to Commit to God's creatures? "Satan replied:" It is an advancement for women who stretch her legs to the man who was not her husband, half to pull out the wrong seeds in nature. I was teased all the men that left the prayer, carried away with eating and drinking, rebelled, I neglect to treasure than gold, silver and jewels, his house, his land, his farm so that the results are being spent to the haram. Similarly, when a party mix between men and women. There I disconnect the greatest temptation that lost regulations and drink wine. If the wine is swallowed it goes the mind, thoughts and embarrassment. Then I handed the rope of love and opened some great doors immorality, feelings of malicious envy come up to the work of adultery. In the event of love between them, they are compelled to look for the money to be a cheater, borrowers and thieves. If they thought they were going wrong and want to repent or worship charitable, I'll flirt them so they menangguhkannya. I teased that grew louder adding the immoral and take wives. If taxable teased her, came a sense of fun, arrogant, pretentious, arrogant and neglect charity. When the tongue, they would like to lie, denounced and cursed. So I tease them all the time. "Question Prophet (3):" O Iblis! Why did you bother to do the job that does not bring benefits even add a great curse and punishment in hell the big bottom? O cursed God! Who is making you? Who would continue your age? Who is explained eyes? Who gave the hearing? Who gave the power of member do you weigh? "Satan replied:" Everything that is a gift from God Almighty as well. But the passions and evil arrogant made me profusely. You better know that Myself has thousands and thousands of years as chairman of the whole angel and my rank has been raised from the sky to a sky high. Then I lived in this world all angels worship together some time. Suddenly came the word of Allah SWT wanted to make a caliph in this world, then I will argue. So God created man (Adam) and then commanded all angels pay homage to the man, but I'm a dissenter. Therefore, God's wrath upon me and my face looking beautiful and radiant exchange it becomes cruel and dark. I feel hurt. Then God made Adam king in heaven and dikurniakan an empress (Eve) who ruled the whole fairy. I grew out of envy and resentment to them. Finally I managed to deceive them through Eve told Adam to eat the fruit of Eternity, and both were expelled from heaven to earth. They split a few years and then met God (in Padang Arafah), until they got a couple of kids. Then we hasut son Cain killed his brother Abel so. That is, I still was not satisfied and I do a variety of trickery until Doomsday. Before you come into the world, I along with my army reinforcements could easily go up to the heavens to steal its secrets and writings that tell people to do worship and reward children and their heaven. Then I fell into the world, and tell other human aripada exactly what I got, with a variety of trickery to get lost with the various books of heresy and profanity. But when you are born into this world, then I am not justified by God to ascend to heaven, steal secrets, kerana many angels guarding the gates of heaven in each layer. If I insist too will ascend, then the Angels will throw arrows of flaming fire. There have been many reinforcements tenteraku affected burst angel and everything burnt into ashes. So there was great distress and his army to instigate duties. "Question Prophet (4):" O Iblis! What did you first deception of men? "Satan replied:" First of all I palingkan intention / intention, faith in the heathen also in terms of our actions, behavior or heart. If that does not work, I'll drag by reducing the reward. Eventually they will fall willingness to follow my path "Question Prophet (5):" O Iblis! If my people will pray for God, how are you? "Satan replied:" As much as possible affliction. Gementarlah sendiku my body and weak bones. So I muster tens devil came to tempt a man, in every limb. Half-half came in every so slothful limbs prayer, anxiety, forgotten numbers rakaatnya, wavering on the work of the world he left behind, his prayer was always going to run out quickly, lost khusyuknya - ogle left eye was always right, his ears always hear people talking and sound other noises. Half devil sitting in the rear of the prayer was that he did not bow down power for long, tired or sit tahiyat and his heart is always going to quickly run out prayer, it all leads to a lack of reward. If the devil can not tempt man, then I myself will punish them with a heavy-weight penalty. "Question Prophet (6):" If my people to read the Quran as God, how do you feel? "Satan replied:" If they read Al-Quran as Allah, the sense of my body burned, dotted all uratku ago I ran from it. "Question Prophet (7):" If my people pilgrimage for God, how do you feel? "Satan replied:" Woe to me, gugurlah meat and bones because they have been living on a pillar of Islam. "Question Prophet (8):" If my people will fast for Allah, how are you? "Satan replied:" O Messenger of Allah! This is the greatest danger disaster to me. If the initial entry of Ramadan, the flashes of light and Chair Throne, even entire Angels greet with joy. For people who are fasting, Allah will forgive all sins ago and replaced with a huge reward and sin is not recorded during his fasting. That broke my heart is that all the contents of heaven and earth, the angel, moon, stars, birds and fish all day and night praying for forgiveness for the fasting person. One more glory fasting person is freed at any time of the punishment of hell. In fact all the doors of Hell are closed when the heaven was opened all the doors as wide as possible, and the exhaled air from beneath the Throne called Wind Syirah very gently into heaven. On the day of your people start fasting, God's command came together with a fierce angel caught me and my army, jinn, devils and Ifrit then shackled feet and hands with hot irons and chained and put down deep earth. There are also some other punishment has been waiting for us. Having finished your people fasted before I released with orders not to disturb your people. Your people themselves have felt peace of fasting as they work and bersahur alone in the middle of the night without fear than usual month. "Question Prophet (9):" O Iblis! How all my friends think? "Satan replied:" The whole is equal to your best friend as well - great enemies. Bestowed no fight and no one can get in deceit to them. Since you yourself have said: "All my friends are like stars in the sky, if you follow them, you will get a clue." Saidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq before with you, I can not approach him, especially after a side by side with you. He was so sure of the righteousness that he became wazirul A'zam. Even you yourself have said that if the rest of the world weighed with the deeds of Abu Bakr, then it would be heavier charity Abu Bakr. In addition he has been the in-laws because you are married to her son, who was also a lot Saiyidatina Aisha menghafadz haditsmu Hadith. Saidina Umar Al-Khattab did not dare I view her as she is very hard to run Sharia law carefully. If I view her face, then trembled every bone sendiku because very afraid. This is because faith is very strong especially you have to say, "If any prophet after me then Umar may replace me", because he is your hope and good at differentiating between Islam and the infidels to be held 'Al-Faruq'. Saidina Usman Al-Affan again, I can not see, because the tongue is always moving to read the Quran. He was prince of the patient, the prince of the martyred and became menantumu twice. Because Meekly, many angels come pay a visit and pay homage to him as the angel was very embarrassed him until you said, "Whoever wrote Bismillahir Rahmanir uterus on the book or paper with red dakwat, nescaya reward like the reward of martyrdom Uthman." Saidina Ali Abi Talib was that I was very scared because he's great and stout on the battlefield, but it's very well-mannered, pious man. If the demons, devils and jinn saw him, then burned their eyes because he is very strong and he is worshiped first class embraced Islam and never bowed his head to any idol. Titled 'Ali Karamullahu Wajhahu' - glorified Allah will face and also 'Allah Tigers', and you yourself say, "I am the state of all knowledge and Ali is the door." Menantumu addition he became, the more I was horrified him. "Question Prophet (10) : "How do you devised to my people? Satan replied: "Your people are three kinds. The first is like rain from the sky turn every plant that scholars who advise the people that worked on Allah's commands and prohibitions as to leave as Gabriel said, "The cleric is the lamp and the lamp of the world hereafter." The second race as the land lord is a patient man , gratitude and pleasure with a gift of God. Charitable pious, resignation and virtue. The third one your people like Pharaoh; too greedy with the treasures of the world as well as charity omitted hereafter. So I will rejoice and enter into the body, I rotate him into the sea of rebellious and I rigger anywhere followed willingly. So he always hesitated to the world and do not want to study, there is no charity during worship, do not want to dispense charity, the poor want to worship. Then I'm tempted to be rich first, and if God allowed him to be rich, then forgotten charity, do not tithe as a sink with Qarun mahligainya palace. When your people exposed to the disease impatient and greedy, he will treasure always falter and absorbed half the world was about to seize the treasure, having a big fellow Muslims, hate and contempt for the poor, spend their wealth to the vice, gambling and women whore. "Question Prophet ( 11): "Who is like to you?" Satan replied: "People who relieve syariatmu and learn to hate the religion of Islam." Question Prophet (12): "Who mencahayakan you face?" replied Satan, "Sinners, swearing lying, false witness, pemungkir promise. "Question Prophet (13):" Are you the secret to my people? "Satan replied:" If a Muslim goes bowel movement and not a prayer patron devil, then I rub himself into his filthy without him knowing it. "Question Prophet (14):" If my people united to his wife, how are you? "Satan replied:" If your people want to have intercourse with his wife and a prayer patron devil, then I fled from them. If not, I would first have intercourse with his wife, and his wife mingled with the seed of my seed. If a child then the child will love to work immoral, lazy on the good, ungodly. It's all because his mother and father own negligence. Likewise if they eat without reciting Bismillah, I first eat thereof. While they ate, Nor feel full. "Question Prophet (15):" By the way what can resist deception thou? "Satan replied:" If he sinned, he returned repent to God, crying sorry for his actions. When angry immediately ablutions', then padamlah angry. "Question Prophet (16):" Who are you most prefer? "Answered Satan: Men and women who do not shave or feather plucking the armpit or the placenta (the pubic hair ) for 40 days. That's where I shrink myself, nested, depending, berbuai massage on the fur. "Question Prophet (17):" O Iblis! Who are you brother? "Satan replied:" People who sleep couching / stomach, the eyes open (mendusin) at the dawn of time but connect back to sleep. Then I lenakan him till dawn. So likewise at noon, asr, maghrib and Isha ', I beratkan heart to pray. "Question Prophet (18):" Is that the way you destroy yourself? "Satan replied:" People are much mention of the name of Allah, alms with unknown people, many repent, many tadarus Al-Quran and prayer at midnight. "Question Prophet (19):" O Iblis! Did that solve your eye? "Satan replied:" People who sit in the mosque and beriktikaf in it "questions the Prophet (20):" What else do you solve eyes? "Satan replied:" People who are loyal to both the mother and father, to hear they said, helps eat their clothes during their lives, because you had said, 'Heaven is under the mother's feet tread' "
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